Tell Al Gore I want my money back
My internet connection to party is down. I managed to get in 150 or so hands before getting disconnected from all poker clients...Party, Stars, the whole lot. All other internet connections somehow went unscathed and are working fine. I don't understand the internet at all.
Anyway, here's party's description of my problem (which my ISP also confirmed is likely the least they admit guilt):
To explain to you in full details let us start from the basic level of how tables connect from the Players Internet Service Provider (ISP) to our Game Servers. Every time you connect to the main lobby it is through a network of servers on the Internet. These network connections or routes or paths are decided by your ISP.
When you connect to the tables, each table is again connected to our Game Servers through individual sets of network connections on the Internet. Each of these network connections has multiple intermediate servers on the network. Each of these servers is handling not only your connection, but also various other connections on the Internet that happen to take a route on which the server lies. This puts a lot of load on these intermediate servers.
Some of the servers can handle a lot of load and are very stable but some of them are not. If it is a weak server, then it will randomly select a connection passing through it and disconnect the subscriber. This is why Players face a sudden disconnection on a table even though they are still able to browse through the Internet or even play on another table.
I fully understand that it is not a problem from your end. However, if there is a weak server on the network connection, that your ISP has chosen to connect to our Game Servers, then it is quite possible that you might get disconnected from a table.
Comcast has assured me that this is probably a result of some maintenance they are doing in Valley Forge (100 miles away!), and to try again tonight. We'll see.
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